Child Custody Timeshare Calculation

De Facto Custody Timeshare Calculator – $700 plus $200 per additional year

Although the Nevada courts have determined that the best interests of the child is the most important factor when determining whether a timeshare is joint or primary, a spreadsheet that breaks down the hourly timeshare for each party throughout the course of a year can be very helpful, especially in more complex custodial arrangements.

Family Law Solutions has developed a calculator which will be able to determine exactly how much custodial time each parent has during the course of a year (or multiple years), including holidays, vacations, and any other deviations. This will allow the judge to have a better frame of reference regarding what exactly a given custodial arrangement will have on the parties going forward, and would also allow them to see what the exact timeshare the parties have been using in the past is.

This service can be done either as a neutral service, or on behalf of one party.